Pals - A great revisit to our house exchange of last year in the medieval village of Pals. The old quarter, known as El Pedro, contains many historic buildings: walls with towers, an old castle or Torre de les Hores, a Gothic church, and a monumental cross commanding a fine panorama.
As well as views of the coastline and mountains, Pals has cobbled streets and ancient village walls and archways. Tina and Tony have a delightful home within walking distance of a great beach and there are several golf clubs in the area and we really appreciated their hospitality. Last year Laurie was unable to go on the house exchange because of business committments in Australia however I went and was joined by friends from NZ, USA and the UK. When Tina and Tony heard we were coming over this way they suggested we visit them so Laurie could get to know the place I fell in love with. Laurie was equally impressed with the area and it was great to experience the area together.
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